Bitget is a global exchange (rated as top crypto exchange for Canadians in our rating) catering to skilled users and offers a vast selection of altcoins available worldwide, including for Canadian crypto traders. In our opinion, Bitget is the best choice for crypto traders who need access to as many crypto coins as possible while enjoying low trading fees (0.1%).
In an exclusive partnership with Bitget and OCryptoCanada, Bitget has provided our users with a unique referral code. If you use our referral link to sign up with Bitget, you’ll receive a free 50 USDT in your account after verifying your account and depositing $500 USD or more.
How to Use Bitget and Apply a 50 USDT Promo Code Bonus?
Bitget is the crypto exchange that gives you access to thousands of crypto tokens and coins with extremely low fees of only 0.1% per trade due to high trading volume. While Bitget is not primarily for beginners (even though they have recently made their interface user-friendly and have a quick buy option that is extremely easy and straightforward to use), once you become accustomed to the advanced interface, Bitget offers so much that you’ll probably never need another exchange again. To get started, you need to:
- Open an account through this link and verify your identity (it’s a mandatory Canadian requirement for compliant crypto exchanges, but if you are from a different country, KYC may not be necessary).
- Once verified, deposit into your account with a credit card, or save on fees by using the Bitget P2P marketplace with more than $500. After depositing, you’ll receive a 50 USDT bonus in your account.
- Use Quick Trade for 1-click easy trades. For more advanced features, go to spot trading to trade crypto pairs, place limit orders, and explore other features. You can also trade futures and derivatives with Bitget.
Is Bitget a Good Crypto Exchange for Canadians?
Yes, Bitget is a fully-compliant global crypto exchange in Canada and worldwide. With its access to multiple cryptocurrencies and tokens, it is considered one of the most popular exchanges globally. While Bitget is considered very safe and well-secured, we always recommend moving your crypto assets to your own wallets unless you need them for immediate trading. Check more in our detailed Bitget review.