Mobile and Desktop Trading
Both Bitget and Bitbuy have poured resources into crafting intuitive mobile and desktop platforms. Bitget's mobile application has favorable ratings: a 4.5-star rating on the Apple App Store and a commendable 4.5 on Google Play. Although advanced, its design provides seasoned traders with the tools they need on the go. Bitbuy doesn't lag far behind. Its iOS app boasts a 4.5-star rating, but its Android counterpart faces some challenges, leading to a 2-star rating, primarily due to login hitches. For desktop aficionados, both exchanges provide a smooth, seamless trading experience, capturing the essence of modern cryptocurrency trading.
The Bitget platform can be confusing for beginners since there is advanced charting and order book data. Bitget’s mobile app has a 4.4-star rating on the Apple App Store and a 4.6-star rating on Google Play.
Bitget desktop view (trading screen)
Bitget depositing screen
Bitget mobile app main screen |
Bitget mobile app (coins) |
The Bitbuy app has a 4.6-star rating and 6,000 ratings on the Apple App Store. It has a 2-star rating with 1,000 ratings on Google Play. According to reviewers, the Android app has bugs that prevent them from logging in and verifying their account. They also claim customer support is poor.
The iOS app is easy to use and offers a modern interface like the desktop platform. There is live charting where you can find volume and order book data. Easily deposit funds to your account, and click on your profile tab for your referral details.
Bitbuy’s Express Trade is suitable for beginners or anyone seeking a quick market trade. The Pro Trade platform is geared toward more experienced traders who wish to place advanced order types.
Express trade view
Pro trade view
Bitbuy app interface |
Bitbuy app interface while trading |